Our Professional Walking services ensure that every pup gets the exercise and stimulation they deserve!

  • Enrichment Walk

    Starting at $35

    This 45-minute walk will provide exercise and mental stimulation for your pet, ensuring that they come home feeling tired and satisfied! This is perfect for clients who need some help working around a busy schedule, or who may just want a little break.

  • Training Walk

    Starting at $50

    This 45-minute walk will be all about building the best walking skills in your pet. Whether you just adopted your furry friend, are establishing basics with a young puppy, or just want to polish up some of your dog's existing on-leash skills, this is the walk for you!

  • Reactivity Walk

    Starting at $75

    Even our more socially challenged pets deserve exercise and stimulation, but some days it can be hard to find that capacity in ourselves! We will provide a fun and enriching 45-minute walk, while also providing professional reactivity training along the way, giving your reactive pup the least stressful and most rewarding experience possible, while building their social skills and giving you a rest from the stress.

  • "Walk-With-Me" Training Walk

    Starting at $95

    For this one-hour walk, a Certified Professional Dog Trainer will join you and your dog, and will help you build the skills to make your walks more enriching and enjoyable for both you and your pup! This is our “teach a man to fish” option and is perfect for owners who want to invest their own time and energy into a more high-maintenance pet but would like some help getting started.