Build a relationship with your dog that you are proud to brag about!

Single Session Training


This value-packed session can focus on basic obedience, manners, leash etiquette, and more! It is built around educating and empowering owners who want to take their training into their own hands but may need a little help. Our single-session bookings can equip you and your dog with essential obedience skills, or allow you to implement a more “a’ la carte” training system that better fits your and your dog’s needs. These sessions can help to accommodate complicated schedules, financial limitations, and specific training goals. Single Sessions last approximately an hour and are designed to strengthen the bond between you and the price can be adjusted depending on your training goals and personal needs. Single session bookings CAN be linked together to build customized training plans.

*Discounts are available to clients who can verify that they are on government assistance (EBT, Unemployment, etc), and to members of our community, who live within the 19144 area. If you don’t think you can pay, please call anyway. We will do everything we can to help you to the best of our ability.

Starting at $350

Unlock your dog’s potential with our Standard Training Course, designed to teach and enhance basic skills, introducing new commands and techniques, puppy training, basic socialization, loose leash walking skills, or even minor behavior adjustments. This comprehensive course takes place over three sessions and is customized to fit your and your pet’s needs! Our Standard Training Course is designed to teach you and your dog how to be the best companions you can be for each other. This course, not only comes with three sessions, but also includes fully customized educational handouts, and three weeks of full trainer access, meaning you can text or call with any questions at any time! This course is perfect for new pet parents, young puppies, leash reactive dogs, or just for polishing up your and your dog’s already awesome skills!

Standard Training Program

Advanced Training Program

Starting at $750

The Advanced Training Program is crafted to build the most successful and skilled pet possible, no matter how high the goals or how difficult the obstacles. This program is customized and catered to your and your dog’s more specific needs, aiming for higher-level objectives. The Advanced Training Program is built to accommodate true behavior adjustment or to help owners and pups take their training to the next level. For owners dealing with more complicated issues like aggression, severe anxiety, a recently disabled pet, or any other type of more difficult adjustment! This program can help equip you and your pet with all the skills and knowledge you need to have a happy and fulfilling long-term partnership! This program is also perfect for owners who feel that they and their pups are ready to move on to more evolved and advanced training techniques. We can work on skills like off-leash work, agility work, nose work, therapy dog training, complex trick work, and more! Our Advanced Training program is designed to build well-educated, well-rounded, and adaptable owners and companions, no matter the obstacle. This package includes six sessions, post-training enrichment, customized educational handouts, and six weeks of 24/7 trainer access.